the entire process
of student progression
from Degree Program Setup to creating and maintaining a plan through to Auditing Progression
Students can plan out their studies knowing that they’ll meet their Degree requirements as all the Program rules are built into the system.
Students can monitor and audit their progress as they complete units and make changes to their plan as they go.
Universities can reach prospective students before they apply by allowing them to explore the options available to them by building their Degree Plans over the internet.
for academic advisors
work with students
Advisors can create templates that students can use and change to suit their individual needs.
Templates are based on outcomes – either academic or career-based outcomes. They can walk through the plans together with the students on-line or in-person.
for students
create & maintain student degree plan
Students can plan out their studies knowing that they’ll meet their Degree requirements. They can also monitor and audit their progress and make changes as they go.
for degree administrators
simple program maintenance
Easily set up and maintain programs, duplicate programs across academic years (with version control), define degree rules, compare planned versus enrolled courses, conduct progress audits, and more.
student degree planning
Starting in University can be a daunting experience for new students and Degree Planning is one of their first tasks.
It’s important for them to choose the right subjects for their degree, and their future.
DegreeReady allows students to choose from pre-populated templates with pre-selected subjects based on desired outcomes or they can select their own subjects as the system walks them through each requisite, calculating their credit score and validating their final selection.
- Students can see their entire Degree Program clearly mapped out on a single page, by semester, including Planned and Completed units.
- Drag & Drop subjects into the period they want to study and the system will take care of the validation, warning them if they’re breaking any rules.
- See the cost of each subject and the total cost of their Degree.
- Advisors and Students can get together, either in-person or remotely, and work on the plan.
- The “What If” function allows the user to see what other options are available and what credits can be carried over.
One of the most powerful features of DegreeReady is the ability for Advisors to create Templates and share them with students.
- Templates are based on student career goals, interests, pathways etc. and can be found by students by searching for areas of interest (e.g. I’d like to be an Accountant when I graduate)
- Templates are Version Controlled, they are linked to specific Program Structures. They are also validated against the Program Rules.
- Templates can be flexible, i.e. they can have ‘wildcard’ subjects that students can choose. They can also be used as a base for a plan and changed by the student
- Once created, Templates can be copied by Advisors and used as the basis for the creation of other Templates.
degree progression auditing
One of the most time consuming tasks facing Program Administrators is Degree Progression Auditing.
They need to know who is on track to graduate this semester, who is falling behind and who needs some assistance.
Currently this is done for students who are close to graduating and is usually a manual process – which takes time, and costs money.
With DegreeReady, Degree Progression Auditing is available for both Students and Administrators.
- See their degree progress as a percentage of completion.
- See how many more subjects/credit points needed.
- See Graduation date if plan is followed.
- See the number of credit points for each subject
- Get notified when a student is falling behind.
- Work with students to select alternative subjects
- Get notified when students within the program are falling behind.
- See the number of students due to graduate in a particular term.
- Get access to rich data for further analysis
on-demand degree auditing
DegreeReady provides an on-demand Degree Auditing function for both Students and Administrators.
It looks at what subjects students have enrolled in, and completed, (based on the existing data in the Student Management System) and ensures that those subjects comply with the Degree Program rules.
The application will do automatic, and on-demand, validation and notify the Administrator of any students not meeting their Degree Program rules.
This happens not only for students who are nearing competition but throughout the student’s studies.
For Students, this means they can see at-a-glance how far they are along in their studies and how many more credit points they need in order to complete.
For Administrators and Advisors, once the Degree Structure is set up, they can see all of the students who are on track to complete their Degree as well as those who are not meeting the Program rules, or are falling behind.
This ensures that the auditing process happens in seconds rather than weeks.
DegreeReady also notifies Administrators once a student’s plan becomes invalid due to failing a subject or enrolling in a subject that doesn’t count towards their degree credits.
degree marketing
The DegreeReady system can be made available over the internet for students and agents, to build their Degree Plans, try out templates, and calculate the total cost of their Degree.
The system works in exactly the same way it does for internal students and all of the Templates are made available to external users too.
With Degree Marketing, prospective students can register to use the system or use their existing Google, Twitter / X, or Facebook accounts to log in.
Users can save their Plans or email them to themselves.
Universities also get the benefit of being able to contact prospective students with further information if required.