Microcredentials, R&D in Learning, and more in an interview with Paraic Hegarty, CTO and co-founder of Akari Software
A fascinating interview with Paraic Hegarty about the future of work and education. In addition he talks about Akari Software Curriculum Management membership of Learnovate Centre, Trinity College Dublin
“…We’re all fascinated by how you could change the design of a course or module in order to impact metrics like graduate employability or earning potential…”
“…There’s a lot of emphasis now on transversal skills, or transferable skills, and this notion of lifelong learning…”
“…Learning will get chopped up into smaller and smaller chunks and we’ll consume it in a different kind of way…”

Akari Software
Since 2010, Akari Software has been transforming the Teaching and Learning experience and modernising curricula across the globe. Support your institution to design, control, and automate the behaviour of your curriculum management processes with a workflow tool that offers flexibility, configurability, and integrated intelligence.