Akari Software Limited


Copyright © 2023 Akari Software Limited. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Akari Software Limited.


Document Control:

AuthorVersionDate IssuedChanges
J O’Donnell0.1Jan 2020Original Statement created
J O’Donnell0.2Jan 2021‘Org Structure and Supply Chain(s)’s section added
J O’Donnell0.3Jan 2022Minor Edits
 J O’Donnell 0.4 Feb 2023 Annual Review
Next Review Date: Jan 2024


Akari Software’s Business Conduct and Ethics Policy lists the standards of conduct by which we operate. This Slavery and Human Trafficking statement forms part of that Policy.

The (UK) Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Republic of Ireland’s Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008, as amended by the Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) (Amendment) Act 2013.2 are jointly referred to here as ‘The Modern Slavery Act’.

Akari Software is a Software Author that provides working applications to Educational Institutions internationally. Akari Software is an employer in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australia. Akari Software’s supply chain is limited to the services and goods necessary for a small professional business to operate internationally. All employees are required to be familiar of Akari Company Policies and conduct expected of them to uphold the company’s policies.

Per ‘The Modern Slavery Act’, Akari Software is smaller than the company size required to publish an annual “Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement”. However, Akari is committed to ensuring that there is no human trafficking and slavery taking place in our company and supply chains. Akari is commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business practices and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls in order to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in its global supply chains.

Akari Software has several procedures/practices to manage the inherent risks (both existing when this Statement was authored and ongoing), including:

  • Only using licensed premises to optimise control over the environment;
  • Considering the location of suppliers and the risks particular to that location;
  • Establishing/maintaining long standing relationships with customers and suppliers;
  • Requiring each entity in the chain to apply its own due diligence on the next link in the chain;


Akari Software – Organisational Structure and Supply Chains

Business Sector: Akari Software provides cloud-based software applications to the tertiary education sector. While the sector we serve follows academic year patterns, there is no seasonality in the Akari Software work.

Organisational Structure: The Akari org structure is traditional and relatively shallow, with the workforce grouped in departmental functional groups with managers reporting to the Leadership team. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors. The Akari group structure has some trading entities that exist to meet in country compliance, reporting, banking, and payroll needs. All entities abide by the same policies.

Countries where goods/services are sourced: Akari Software does not source goods/services from any high-risk countries where modern forms of slavery are prevalent.

Supply chain(s) complexity: Akari Software supply chains are simple in form and have been assessed as low risk when this statement was created and on each subsequent revision.

Businesses operating model: Akari Software develops software with resources providing product management, software development and QA services working cohesively to author new software elements and maintain existing. Software applications are marketed and sold by Akari Software’s digital marketing and sales teams. Akari customers contract to use Akari applications for agreed terms and fees. Akari provide standardised Service Levels to ensure customers receive reliable and consistent service levels across contract terms. In the delivery of value to our customers from our software applications, implementation, data, and training services are provided on a fee for service basis by the Akari Professional Services team. The Akari Customer Success team offers first level application support services to customers adhering to agreed Service Levels. The finance, HR and administration functions support the business operationally, and ensure compliance with appropriate legislative and statutory compliance. Leadership provides the vision and monitors operational execution in line with business goals and company policies.

Relationships with suppliers and others (including bodies representing workers): All relationships are managed per the Akari Software – Business Conduct and Ethics Policy.