Akari: Partnership and Curriculum Management for Transnational Education
Partnership and Curriculum Management for Transnational Education
The evolution of TNE is inevitable, and is forecasted to look very different by 2030. The new phase of TNE post-pandemic requires home and host institution transformations.
The new TNE approach subtly eliminates the concept of exporting knowledge from the home country to host country but instead offering activities impacting innovations through joint knowledge production at the breath of delivering quality curriculum and motivating collaborative research by leveraging strengths of both parties.
Partnership management becomes a crucial business process and the selection of collaborative programmes to match partners delivery capability shall offer students opportunities to study a high-quality, industry-leading degree in a location that is more convenient and affordable to them.
Designing curriculum from home-based institutions for TNE curriculum delivery is challenging for higher education institutions wishing to develop and diversify their internationalization strategies, and to help position themselves in new ways within a globalised environment.
Includes Heriot-Watt University case study.

Akari Software
Since 2010, Akari Software has been transforming the Teaching and Learning experience and modernising curricula across the globe. Support your institution to design, control, and automate the behaviour of your curriculum management processes with a workflow tool that offers flexibility, configurability, and integrated intelligence.