About Akari Software

Akari Software is the leading curriculum management solution provider in the EMEA and APAC regions. A Higher Education software company, specialising in the development of software to support Curriculum Design processes and Curriculum Mapping processes.

The Akari Curriculum Management solution is a comprehensive, easy-to-use on-line software for managing the design, delivery, publication, cost-effectiveness and quality of information on education programmes and their attendant documentation.

Developed with HEI partners, the software manages workflow for developing, editing, approval and publication of Modules and Programmes including workload, learning outcomes, materials & exam requirements, underpinned by seamless integration and business intelligence capabilities.

Our Vision

That educators around the world can optimise their curriculum to deliver benefits to society and individual learners through their course offering

Our Mission

To be the leading global provider of innovative curriculum solutions

Our History

Akari Software, one of the first Higher Education software vendors in the world to develop curriculum management software solutions, was established in 2010 as a spin out from an existing company in Cork, Ireland that had developed an in house solution on curriculum management for the Munster Technological University (The Cork Institute of Technology Campus) between 2004 and 2006.

The original company had been assigned to develop a software solution that focused on centrally capturing all module and programme data and publishing this to the institution website.

A key driver for this was the requirement for EU countries to standardise educational qualifications and adhere to the Bologna Process that established the European Higher Education Area to facilitate student and staff mobility, to make higher education more inclusive and accessible, and to make higher education in Europe more attractive and competitive worldwide.

This requirement has now become a common standard followed by many countries across the globe.  

As part of the European Higher Education Area, all participating countries agreed to:

  • introduce a three-cycle higher education system consisting of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies
  • ensure the mutual recognition of qualifications and learning periods abroad completed at other universities
  • implement a system of quality assurance, to strengthen the quality and relevance of learning and teaching

The next clients were all Irish based as the introduction of outcomes based education and semesterisation was led out in Ireland followed quickly by Scotland, before the rest of the world began to catch up, and some in 2021 are still catching up.

Our Objective

To grow by delivering a suite of curriculum solutions and services, winning new customers and expanding our geographic reach

Our Value Proposition​

Akari transforms curriculum into a digital asset and insights, streamlining processes, empowering academics, enabling learner success and institutional sustainability
CMS development
Akari Software foundation
Malaysia market entry
UK market entry
Australia market entry
New Zealand market entry
Middle-East market entry

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