Student recruitment is crucial to the success of a higher education institution. Focusing on the scale, shape and features of your academic offering is at the heart of the student experience.
Akari Curriculum Management Solution provides your institution with the framework for totality of the learning experience from programme design, development validation, delivery, resource allocation and, crucially, publication to all potential learners and other interested stakeholders.

Massey University
Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae

Akari Curriculum: Key Benefits for Student Recruitment
Accurate Curriculum
Market accurate curriculum information to learners, parents, industry
The curriculum is the lifeblood of the institution and touches every aspect of institutional life. When properly managed the curriculum determines the totality of the learning experience from programme design, development validation, delivery, resource allocation and crucially publication to all potential learners and other interested stakeholders. Akari curriculum management software provides the framework for this work.
We understand that before a valued learning experience is delivered it must be communicated. By sharing accurate and up-to-date curriculum data to potential learners in an accessible way, the institution is declaring its intention to put the learner at the centre of its focus. Accurate, easily accessible and up-to-date curriculum data that is easily absorbed by learners will help increase potential learner interest in terms of institution selection and retention rates at the undergraduate level. Accurate programme outlines will provide visibility to career skills and employability while reinforcing the learning experience.
As an example, curriculum mapping is one of the ways Akari has made the management of curricula more ‘manageable’ and communicable. Mapping helps to identify where graduate capabilities are actively taught and assessed in a module or unit of study. By incorporating learning outcomes and the different assessment types involved, greater clarity is given to the curriculum structure. Systematically laying out both indicative content, learning outcomes and assessment, and displaying this information in a coherent and easy to read way, the learning journey for the student becomes clearer. In turn they become more aware of the learning requirements expected of them, ensuring consistency and predictability which prove critical to their learning experience.
Micro Units
Curriculum Data
Micro credentials can pathway learners to post-grad programmes
Micro credentials are here to stay. Frameworks either are already in place, or are being put in place to accommodate micro credentials, all designed to ensure learning aligns to the changes that are now taking place in both the traditional learning environment and work-based learning.
Micro credentials will enable greater engagement with learners from across the lifelong learner spectrum from under graduates to post graduate including continuous professional development. They will improve accessibility and enhance professional development while allowing institutions to create new streams of revenue and help build their individual brands.
There is huge disparity in the micro credential marketplace, however despite this what is indisputable is that governments, universities and other organisations are demonstrating their commitment to micro credentials and the new model of learning that they represent.
Akari Software is focused on creating a curriculum development software which can aggregate curriculum data for any academic entity, be it programmes, modules, units and micro units. Akari Software is able to capture data at the micro level such as learning outcomes, standards, knowledge and skills. It will assist in providing the evidence that learning outcomes and skills have been acquired and that recognition is granted for such learning.
Micro credentials offer benefits to the institution such as a new business models, enhance employer and industry collaborations and help promote the institution to a wider learner audience. Akari Software ensures that these benefits are articulated across the institution and help institutions adapt to the new learning environment.
Market Demand
Agile Culture
Industry Aligned
Focus on programme job ready outcomes attracts more learners
Akari Curriculum Design Software creates a framework to build highly relevant educational courses that taps into student and industry market demand. Akari curriculum software ensures that an institution remains focused on the design and review of its programmes, its accreditation and compliance. It also ensures that the institution establishes linkages between its planning and delivery of its learning while also monitoring its delivery performance. This focus on quality and assurance of learning impacts the learner’s outcomes and experience by placing them at the centre of the institution’s operations.
Akari Software will help build an inclusive and agile academic culture centred on programme innovation where all staff and faculty have increased visibility on the curriculum and interfaculty collaboration in its development. This increases institution brand awareness and visibility while also enhancing the institution’s competitive position in terms of attracting learners, employer and other third-party stakeholder engagement.
The ‘outcome mapping’ functionality ensures greater transparency to prospective learners by clearly highlighting the skills they will master while simultaneously making a clear connection to future job prospects and career development.
Akari curriculum management software supports curriculum design incorporating industry aligned learning experiences to ensure graduates are career ready. This in turn helps to promote the institution and to maintain its competitive advantage and to stand out to prospective learners.
Curriculum Navigability
Enhance and Improve the Applicant Student Experience
Configurable templates and flexible workflow provide you with the tools to create the publications you need to support and enhance the applicant and student journey, with enhanced curriculum navigability, the curriculum path is clearly evidenced from application to completion.
Curriculum Agility
Career Paths
Improve retention rates by sharing accurate curriculum information
Learner recruitment requires course and programme transparency. Confidence in the accuracy of published curriculum data is critical for successful recruitment.
Akari understands curriculum development processes and programme structures and how the curriculum needs to be captured, managed, reported and marketed to ensure that the curriculum is at the centre of the institution. By ensuring that the curriculum is at the centre, it will ensure that it is easily understood by all relevant and interested third parties.
Curriculum agility drives learner recruitment and ensures higher educational institutions stand out from their competition. Akari software helps build this agility and promotes the link between an institution’s active curriculum and the changing learning needs and expectations of today’s learner. By clearly articulating programme outlines incorporating learning outcomes learners are better able to see the potential career paths that open up to them.
Student recruitment is increasingly dependent upon ensuring that learners can independently navigate, search and understand curriculum components and programme structures.