Akari: A Buyer’s Guide to Curriculum Management Software.
When evaluating curriculum management platforms, it’s critical to identify a solution that provides a streamlined, secure experience not only for senate members, but also for the teaching and learning managers, student recruiters, risk and compliance teams, and the administrative professionals who will be using it.
Akari: Risk of Contract Cheating: How can assessment design be an effective mitigation strategy?
Rethinking curriculum design and structure and process of delivery, are among suggested responses to curb or stop contract cheating. Changing assessment methods in the ways suggested in this report is also likely to have the benefit of improving assessment generally by focusing on what students can do, rather than what they write about.
Akari: Partnership and Curriculum Management for Transnational Education
INDUSTRY INSIGHT Akari: Partnership and Curriculum Management for Transnational Education Partnership and Curriculum Management for Transnational Education The evolution of TNE is inevitable, and is forecasted to look very different by 2030. The new phase of TNE post-pandemic requires home and host institution transformations. The new TNE approach subtly eliminates the concept of exporting knowledge from the […]
AKARI: Integrating UN SDGs Into Curriculum Design and Research
INDUSTRY INSIGHT Akari: SDGs Integration Into Curriculum Design and Research Multiple Case Studies of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) integration into Curriculum Design and Research at Higher Education – A Preliminary Study A 3-Step Approach To Integrate SDGs into Curriculum Design and Research Since 2015, the United Nations sets out an inclusive plan for achieving a […]
Times Higher Education & Blackboard: Digitising the management of university curricula
INDUSTRY INSIGHT Times Higher Education & Blackboard: Digitising the management of university curricula Degree and assessment overviews enable faculty to improve their academic offering Universities need to prepare their students for the 21st century and make their assessments relevant to the jobs market, Jenny Poskitt, director of college projects at Massey University* in New Zealand, […]