Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

CASE STUDY Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Project Overview Comprising of a Discovery Project commencing in May 2018 and completing in June 2018 to define, specify and estimate the custom/bespoke development work requested. Delivery and Implementation commenced from August 2018 completing in August 2019. A three-month pause was additionally undertaken mid-delivery between the release of […]

Massey University, New Zealand

CASE STUDY Massey University, New Zealand Project Overview The solution was implemented as part of a large-scale technology transformation programme comprising of 5 individual projects. Some  bespoke/custom development was additionally undertaken as part of a revision to the original specification of business requirements originally provided as part of the RFP. The University’s key drivers for […]

University of the Arts London

CASE STUDY University of the Arts London, United Kingdom Project Overview The solution was initially piloted in 2016 with one of the University’s 6 colleges prior to a formal partnership with Akari Software for the implementation of the solution university wide in 2017-2018, which included collaboration to enhance and extend some facets of the product […]

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